Where is Brock Clothing located?

Brock Clothing is proudly located in the United States. Being based in the U.S. enables us to maintain a close connection with our customers and ensures that we can promptly address any inquiries or concerns you may have.

Thank you for choosing Brock Clothing. We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you with the highest standards of quality and care.

Can I track my order?

Absolutely! We want to make sure you stay informed about the status of your order. Each order comes with its own unique tracking number. Once your order is processed, you will receive a confirmation email containing this tracking number. To track your order, simply click on the tracking link provided in the email.

If you have created an account with us, you can also LOG IN HERE to view your order history and track any current orders. Your account dashboard provides a convenient way to manage and monitor your past and present purchases.

What are your shipping rates?

Shipping rates vary depending on what shipping service you choose...

All orders receive FREE economy shipping (5-8 business days)

If you need faster shipping...

We have Express Shipping (1-2 Business Days) for only $25

While we strive to dispatch all orders promptly, there may be occasional situations that could lead to delays. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and patience during such instances. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to ensuring your order reaches you as quickly as possible.

What are the return and exchange policies?

For detailed information about our returns and exchange policies, please refer to our REFUND POLICY. You can easily access this page by CLICKING HERE or scrolling to the bottom of the page.